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If you are seeking natural cures for what ails you, then you have found powerful tools to assist you. These healing tools focus on wellness as well as prevention of illness. When you give your body, mind, and emotions what they need, you will enjoy vibrant healthfor life.

Your Body's Basic Minimum Requirements

# 1: Simple but Effective Breaths for Increased Energy & Vitality
# 2: The Golden Rules of Effective, Power Sleep
# 3: Water, Water Everywhere: Just Drink It, It Will Cure You
# 4: Food, Glorious Food: Getting Into the Right Relationship with It
# 7: The "Touch" Vitamin: The Reiki Heart Anchor and Heart Hug

Your Mind's Basic Minimum Requirements

# 6: "Getting Back to Basics" Learning to Live Life Holistically
# 8: Are You STRESSED? Find Out! And Find How to Manage Your Stress!
# 9: Unleash the Power of Aromas: Young Living Oil Essential Blends
#10: Bloom and Grow with the Power of Bach Flower Essences
#11: WARNING: Before You Take "Hard Medicinal Drugs" with "Side Effects"

Your Emotion's Basic Minimum Requirements

#16: "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" : The Lust Cure
#17: "Living with the Dragon" : The Anger Cure
#18: "Can Never Get Enough" : The Greed Cure
#19: "How Great I Art - Not!" : The Vanity Cure
#20: "Gotta Get Me Some of That" : The Attachment Cure

Your Spirit's Basic Minimum Requirements

# 5: Understanding and Healing the Human Energy Field
#12: SEX! Now that I Have Your Attention: Here's How It Really Works
#13: The "I" Cure: Take Off Your Glasses and SEE!
#14: The "Me" Cure: Listen to the Right Music, Your Own Voice and HEAL!
#15: When You Just Cannot Stop... How to Identify Addictive Behavior

Take Only When Prescribed: Cures for Troubled Times

#21: When the Past is Present Every Moment: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
#22: The Unknown Dread: Causes and Cures for Panic Attacks
#23: Counteracting the Poison of Modern Life: Toxicity Diet

After Tragedy Strikes: What to Do for After Care

#24: General After Care: Dos and Do Nots
#25: After Care for Heart Attacks: Dos and Do Nots
#26: After Care for High Blood Pressure: Dos and Do Nots
#27: After Care for Strokes: Dos and Do Nots
#28: After Care for Cancer: Dos and Do Nots

Your Masterpiece Healing Tools

#29: Becoming Whole from the Inside Out
#30: Going on the Negativity Diet - Getting Free of Negativity
#31: Understanding and Healing Blocks to Progress

Monthly Spiritual Circle - Together we'll expand! 


Meetup - 1st Wednesday Each Month 
7.00pm - 8.30pm - FREE

Discussion group of various topics within the field of psychic development, soul-exploration, mediumship and much more.

Must RSVP - Small group with limited space: click here to RSVP

The spiritual circle is created for those interested in discussing and elevating their minds on a wide range of subjects related to spiritual growth and soul awareness. Each gathering is hosted with a specific monthly topic. Come and meet like-minded people and share your views and experiences. Tea and light snacks will be provided. Welcome to join the evenings of your interest!

October 14th: Soul Contracts
Do we have unbinding contracts with other souls? How does it work, and if we do indeed have them, are they prematurely broken by deeds within turbulent relationships or other events? Throughout our lives, we encounter a lot of people, many of whom are easily forgotten – in fact the majority won’t play crucial roles in our lives. But some leave a powerful impression on us and affect many areas of our lives, and these are the people who come into our lives for a specific karmic reason of healing, growth and/or understanding. Join us this evening as we discuss soul agreements and their meaning.

November 11th: Future Lives
What if you had the key to your future? How would you use it?  Future Life Progression allows you to explore possible paths and to find out what you have to do to achieve a certain outcome. It’s like having a psychic reading to yourself, by yourself. How about being progressed into a millennium ahead of time? What is life on Earth like by then? This evening we discuss how it’s possible to change our present to not only get the future we desire but also to not create new karma into future lives. As of 2019 Christine is also a Certified Future Life Progression Therapist and will share stories of client cases during this meetup.
December 9th: Raising your vibration through diet/health
The growing question for many people in this time of awakening is, “what is a high vibrational diet, and why is it important if I want to work spiritually?”. A high vibrational diet consists of food that are toxin-free and positively benefit the person, as well as the planet as a whole. High vibration means having more light, and thus less density.  Spirit communication happens through an exchange of electromagnetic energy at a high frequency, and you will perceive more if you raise your own vibration. Join us this evening as we discuss how food and pharmaceuticals effect your physical and spiritual health.

Most people have experienced trauma at some point in their lives.

Trauma is often identified through disorders such as PTSD, depression, anxiety or dissociative disorders. A high percentage of adult trauma comes from events originally experienced in childhood and can be retriggered later in life by other events, circumstances, or relationships. 

Once someone exceeds their ability to cope with their trauma, the build-up of stress can be overwhelming and can lead to long-term problems, negatively affecting their ability to freely live life.

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a condition experienced by a variety of people who have experienced extremely stressful, traumatic situations. A stressful situation can be either one very intense event or the prolonged intensity of traumatic events. The symptoms are the same.


PTSD symptoms may be severe enough to disrupt functioning and can have serious ongoing emotional effects within a person’s relationships and ability to function on a work or an interpersonal level.


PTSD can also lead to substance abuse problems as people try to self-medicate their way out of it. And worse still, sufferers have increased risk for suicide attempts or death by homicide because they often feel like they are living in a constant state of danger.

First responders, including police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical personnel, are at an increased risk of developing PTSD due to the nature of their work, which often exposes them to traumatic situations. 

It's important to note that not everyone with PTSD experiences the same symptoms, and the severity can vary.

General signs of trauma can include:

  • Hypervigilance: fight, flight or freeze

  • People-pleasing

  • Co-dependence

  • Emotionally and/or physically withdrawn

  • Severe fatigue (always tired, not wanting to wake up or leave the bed)

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Self-harm: drinking, fighting, substance abuse, gambling, cutting

  • Weight gain / loss

  • Mood swings

  • Behavior changes such as: anger, sadness, confusion, frustration, denial, fear, and/or shame

Physical and emotional signs of trauma can include:

  • Smoking

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Nightmares

  • Insomnia

  • Difficulty with relationships

  • Emotionally unstable, sudden outbursts

  • Aches and pains

  • Vertigo

  • Malaise (feeling ill or general sickness)

  • Forgetting to eat, exercise or perform daily routines

  • Migraines, memory loss, brain fog

  • Loss of hearing

  • Loss of sight

  • Hair loss / Alopecia

This list is by no means exhaustive. However, it highlights how a traumatic, unexpected or prolonged event can be life-changing, which can affect the health and well-being of an individual and their families.

Definition and Symptoms of PTSD:

  • PTSD is characterized by a range of symptoms that persist for an extended period after exposure to a traumatic event.

  • Symptoms can be categorized into four clusters: intrusive thoughts, avoidance, negative changes in mood and cognition, and changes in arousal and reactivity.

  • Intrusive thoughts may include flashbacks, nightmares, and distressing memories.

  • Avoidance behaviors may involve steering clear of reminders of the traumatic event.

  • Negative changes in mood and cognition can manifest as feelings of guilt, shame, or emotional numbness.

  • Changes in arousal and reactivity may lead to hypervigilance, irritability, and difficulty sleeping.


Prevalence in First Responders:

  • First responders face a higher risk of PTSD due to frequent exposure to traumatic incidents.

  • Traumatic events for first responders can include violent crimes, accidents, natural disasters, and the loss of colleagues or civilians.


Risk Factors:

  • Frequency and Severity of Trauma Exposure: Those who experience more severe or frequent traumatic incidents may be at a higher risk.

  • Lack of Support: Limited social support, both within and outside the workplace, can contribute to the development of PTSD.

  • Previous Trauma: Individuals with a history of prior traumatic experiences may be more vulnerable.

  • Job Stressors: High-pressure work environments, long hours, and the inherent unpredictability of emergency response work can contribute to stress.


Challenges in Identifying and Addressing PTSD:

  • Stigma: There may be a reluctance to disclose mental health struggles due to stigma within the profession.

  • Normalization of Stress: The culture of toughness and resilience can make it challenging for first responders to acknowledge and seek help for mental health issues.


Impact on Professional and Personal Life:

  • PTSD can affect job performance, leading to issues like impaired decision-making, difficulties concentrating, and strained interpersonal relationships.

  • In the long term, untreated PTSD may contribute to burnout, substance abuse, and a higher risk of suicide.

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